Invest In Your Future
Financial coaches
Only 21% of working Filipinos have a healthy financial portfolio – a good mix of investments, insurance, and properties.
“Why is that?” you ask.
The challenge many Filipinos face when talking to financial advisors is they usually feel like they are being sold a product. It feels more of a sales transaction than a consultation with an advisor.
Lazurite Capstone changes that.
Our consultants focus more on the long-term relationship that we can have with our clients. After working with us, our clients make better use of their hard-earned income by focusing their investments on what they want and need in life while also enriching and building a well-rounded financial portfolio.
We make sure that our team members are focused on the mission of securing more Filipinos and helping more Filipinos become financially literate. More and more Filipinos fall victim to “advisors” who are only after the sale, and we will rectify that by maintaining the quality of our team.
We focus on the client’s purpose reason for asking for our advice. Our main purpose is to collaborate with you on a financial plan that you want for you and your family. We aim to deliver a lifetime promise of being with you through your financial journey.
We advise based on your personal goals, personal limitations, and also your preferences. It is our belief that every Filipino has a different need and a different set of goals. We attune our offerings to your individual quirks and make sure that what you get is what you want to have.
Offers & Details
Open for part-timers and full-time consultants.
Promises Local and Global Travel Incentives.
Be coached to succeed as you work on the mission.
Be mentored by purpose-driven achievers.
Be in control over your earning potential.
What makes our team different?
coaching and mentoring
We pride ourselves in implementing a coaching-driven work relationship. It helps us align our team goals with the individual strategies and limitations of each member of the team. The team’s leaders are equipped with personal coaching skills, which allows them to bring out every consultant’s desired performance level.
To top it all off, we make sure that we have a good dose of fun and enjoyment to celebrate our small wins every now and then.
By using a performance coaching approach, we align our expectations with the desired performance of the team, which should also help with the team goals.
Our team is led by MDRTs and National Achievers. There is no question in their ability to perform and also mentor new consultants to become successful in the field.
SYSTEMATIC & Strategic
Systems are built to help the team and team members be strategic, informed, and aligned. Digital platforms are utilized by the team in empowering each teammate with the right knowledge to be accurate and work with integrity.
periodical fun activities
What we do can be challenging and stressful. This is true for any people-centric service industry. This is why having fun activities to destress and recognize our achievers will always be a part of the team’s culture.
Join Now
We are always on the look out for people who have a heart to help others and themselves. Schedule a presentation and an interview by filling up the form below. Once received, we will contact you at the soonest.